Year Level Representatives
First Year Representatives
The role of the First Year Representatives is to foster a sense of community and belonging for students transitioning into their first year of law school.
The First Year Representatives can be contacted through email at firstyear@mulss.com
Second Year Representative
The role of the Second Year Representative is to provide an additional means of support, community, and advocacy for student needs within the law school.
The Second Year team organises social events for the cohort, career support events, and is another source of information or representation should an issue need to be raised on behalf of the student body. The year ahead has sports days, parties and fun times ahead and we can’t wait to share it with you!
The Second Year Team runs events for students and assists with administration, including…
Organising social events for the second-year cohort
Organising the Clerkship Information Hire
Organising Law v Med Sports Day; Lawn Bowls
Organisation of LSS Services
Lockers can be hired from the MLS through the Second Year Representative. Lockers are located on Level 1 and the Mezzanine. Large lockers are $50 and small lockers are $20. If you would like to purchase for the year go to: https://events.humanitix.com/mulss-locker-hire-2024?fbclid=IwAR3vjc9ebc0uqaihECX9C69vumMBrr7SZlMSfTTC6gWtWs0Scc5pK006C8c
The Second Year Representative, Joshua Tong, can be contacted through email at secondyear@mulss.com
3rd Year + Representative
The Third+ Year Representative position is self-explanatory in many ways, catering to the unique priorities and concerns of upper year levels at Melbourne Law School.
This includes the exciting but often stressful transition to life beyond law school; liaising with faculty in response to student submissions; and fostering an active social environment for our cohort. Furthermore, ad-hoc matters may often arise – the experiences of a cohort who has spent a significant proportion of their degree online is an obvious example!
Despite the name, however, a major focus of the Third+ Year Representative role is ensuring a positive collegiate spirit between all year levels at MLS! We have a lot of wisdom to instil and a lot to learn ourselves, so collaborating with other year level representatives (and the LSS as a whole!) is an amazing aspect of this position.
The Second Year Team runs events for students and assists with administration, including…
Organising social events for the second-year cohort
Collating and creating the official yearbook for the outgoing cohort
Coordinating Valedictorian dinner
The Third Year Representative, Grace Cox, can be contacted through email at thirdyear@mulss.com