Meet your representatives
Representatives are elected to champion particular groups within the MLS student body. Their work includes advocating for the cohort they represent and organising events and opportunities that cater to their needs and interests.
See below for info on…
Year Level Representatives
Student Representatives and Portfolios
Our Disability Portfolio provides guidance to and advocates on behalf of students with disabilities, mental health conditions, persistent chronic illnesses, and/or any other impairments studying at MLS.
The Indigenous Portfolio is mainly concerned about trying to engage with MLS Indigenous Students and forming better community.
International Students'
The International Students’ portfolio promotes the interests of the international student community within MLS, through events, mentoring programs and advocacy.
The Queer Directors seek to represent the queer MLS community within the LSS and as a faculty/administrative liaison
The Women’s Portfolio addresses the systemic barriers to success faced by female-identifying and non-binary students. We aim to foster a safe and inclusive environment and to increase awareness of issues faced by those we represent.
Year Level Representatives
First Year Reps
First Year Reps are the voice of our newest students on the LSS Committee. Our 2023 First Year Reps have not yet been elected.
Second Year Rep
The Second Year Representative provides an additional means of support, community, and advocacy for student needs within the law school.
Third+ Year Rep
The Third+ Year Representative caters to the unique priorities and concerns of upper year levels at Melbourne Law School.