The WAGDIPortfolio is an equity based portfolio created to address the systemic barriers to success faced by female-identifying and non-binary students. Our core goal is to foster a safe and inclusive environment at the law school and to increase awareness of the specific issues faced by those we represent.
While women and gender diverse individuals at MLS and within the legal profession are highly represented there are still a multitude of structural barriers to success that impact women on a daily basis, especially when considering the intersections of sexuality, race, class, and ability. The WAGDI Portfolio enables us to open up communication about these issues by hosting a range of events and initiatives that aim to teach valuable skills to students and educate all about the challenges women face in society.
We recognise that the opportunities afforded to us exist because of the women and non-binary folks who have come before us and paved the way. We endeavour to use our platform not only to assist fellow students in every possible way but also continue paving the way for the women and non-binary individuals who come after us. We also want to ensure that the diversity of our experiences and perspectives are reflected in all of our initiatives.
We strongly encourage you to attend our events and get in touch with us to learn more about the work we are doing. Please do not hesitate to approach us should you need help or direction in addressing any gender-based concerns you may be experiencing at law school, or elsewhere. And - if you’re a male-identifying student who is eager to become more engaged with feminism, gender equality, or if you have your own concerns to raise to the portfolio, please reach out. We may be ‘Women’s’ directors, but we believe our role extends to the entirety of the law school.
The portfolio is led by WAGDI Directors, Clara Wong and Rachel Park. They can be contacted through email: wagdi@mulss.com
Please feel free to join our Facebook discussion group by searching “MULSS WAGDI Portfolio,” which is open to all cis- and trans-women, as well as non-binary people and trans-men who are comfortable in a space that centres the experiences of women and gender diverse individuals.