Our Initiatives and Resources

The MULSS offer a number of resources to assist you through your Law School Journey.

We provide financial assistance in a number of areas through our Book Fairy, Financial Aid and LSS Scholarship initiatives. We also produce a number of publications each year to inform students about career prospects, financial literacy and more. Finally, we provide a number of more administrative services, including the Second Hand Textbook Exchange platform and Locker Hire.

See below for info on…

  • Publications and Media

  • Financial Resources

  • MULSS Initiatives and Statements

  • Other MULSS services

Publications and Media

  • Publications

    See our publications, designed to keep you informed about the legal profession and beyond.

  • Purely Dicta

    Purely Dicta is a magazine run by the MULSS. We publish well researched and insightful pieces about law, society, pop culture and more.

  • Photographs

    See the latest photos from LSS events, activities and competitions.

Financial Resources

  • Book Fairy

    The MULSS Book Fairy Program provides financial assistance to students that are in demonstrated financial need with the costs of their textbooks.

  • Financial Aid

    The University of Melbourne’s Financial Aid Service provides advice and information on student loans and grants, government student assistance and a range of other matters related to student finances.

  • LSS Scholarship

    We offer four scholarships to students with demonstrated financial need, intended to cover the ‘gap’ between full-fee paying places and the maximum cap for government educational assistance.

  • Financial Resources Guidebook

    The Financial Resources Guidebook is a guide produced by MULSS which you can use to help make your own informed decisions. It features personal anecdotes, tips for accessing services and useful tools and resources.

  • Equitable Ticketing Scheme

    The Equitable Ticketing Scheme ensures all students, regardless of financial circumstances, can participate in MULSS events by providing discounted event tickets for eligible students.

MULSS Initiatives and Statements

  • Statement on Law Ball

    The MULSS wishes to acknowledge the damning findings of the 2021 Royal Commission into the Casino Operator and, particularly, the conclusion that Crown’s ethical practices made them unfit to hold a casino licence. The MULSS strongly condemns Crown’s actions and is working with Crown to ensure that immediate steps are taken to address these concerns.

  • Statement on Ableism at MLS

    The MULSS Disability Representatives have prepared a statement regarding Ableism at MLS. You can also find more resources, and accessible versions.

  • Statement on Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

    Download the MULSS’ Statement regarding the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are warned this statement contains the names of people who have died.

  • Wellbeing Guide

    The Wellbeing Guide focuses on the academic support and wellbeing services offered by Melbourne Law School.

  • Climate Emergency Declaration

    In 2020 we partnered with VELSN to declare a climate emergency.

  • MULSS Guides on Accessibility and Disability Inclusion

    In 2025, the MULSS Disability Representatives updated the 2023 ‘MULSS Minimum Standards Guide for Accessibility’ to the ‘MULSS Guides on Accessibility and Disability Inclusion’.

Other MULSS Services

  • Locker Hire

    Hire a locker in the MLS building to store your belongings, textbooks and snacks during the semester.

  • Second Hand Textbooks

    Buy or sell second hand textbooks for MLS JD subjects.