• Welcome to the Melbourne University Law Students' Society

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Who we are

The Melbourne University Law Students’ Society is the official representative student body of Melbourne Law School. We endeavour to provide students with exciting and engaging experiences during their law school journey. We host events to foster a sense of community in the law school cohort. We publish resources to provide insights about working in the legal profession. We advocate for students from all backgrounds, and support one another through our studies.

The Careers Directors, the Communications Directors and Director of Sponsorship are excited to announce that the Careers Guide 2024 is now available!

The Careers Guide 2024 offers significant utility to Melbourne JD and MLM students. The Guide serves as a valuable resource that showcases a variety of professional pathways that are available for students to pursue beyond their time at Melbourne Law School.

Our gratitude extends to the incredible firms and institutions that continue to support the Melbourne University Law Students’ Society.

What we do

  • Activities

    We run a wide range of fun activities for the law students. From yoga to more formal affairs, we have an event for everyone to connect with the cohort!

  • Careers

    Our team is here to guide you on your journey to the legal profession, through networking events, skills workshops and insightful publications.

  • Competitions

    Every year MULSS holds numerous competitions so that you can develop your communication skills and apply your learning practically.

  • Education

    We provide support to you through your law school experience and beyond by offering a range of academic and advocacy services.

  • Social Justice and Welbeing

    The MULSS has a focus on ensuring the wellbeing of all students. We also deeply engage with social justice and the environment in a broader context.

  • Representation

    We are committed to ensuring that all students have a voice within the law school. Our representatives advocate for particular groups.

Our Website Sponsors